Lilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 27, 2010

Caroline's First Christmas

I'm finally getting around to updating again and hope to try and keep up on a regular basis with pictures and updates about Caroline. As of her last doctor's appointment (12/10 - 2 month check up) she was 11 pounds, 9.25 oz (62nd percentile) and 23 inches (66th percentile). She's doing great!

On Friday night Caroline got to have her first experience with "Twas the Night Before Christmas". For as long as I can remember, my mom has always read this story to my brother Robert and I on Christmas Eve - complete with hand motions. I couldn't wait for Caroline to have this same opportunity! She absolutely loved it!!

Then Caroline's Daddy made some cookies for Santa and we made sure to leave him a full plate and milk and to let him know that Caroline had been good so that he would leave her lots of gifts!

On Saturday we celebrated Christmas - my mom, Joe, my step-brother Brian, Caroline and I. It was definitely a bittersweet holiday for us. I was so very excited because it was Caroline's first Christmas, but sadly we had members of our family not with us. It has been almost 6 months since Harold passed away, but it honestly some days just feels like yesterday. In Duluth (where my mom lives) they have crosses that the town will put up on Memorial Day and Veterans Day to honor those that have served in the military and have now passed away. A dear friend of ours got the city to put one up for Harold this year and Mom took a picture of it on Veterans Day. For Christmas Brian had it framed for her and it definitely reminded me of how much he was missed.

My brother Robert and sister-in-law Rebecca also weren't with us as they now live in Macedonia. We definitely missed having them around to share in the festivities and provide us with their witty commentary. :) Although they definitely helped in adding to the ridiculousness that was Caroline's gift bonanza. Here is a picture of my sweet girl surrounded by her bounty. Insane isn't it?? :)

She anxiously waited the opportunity to open all of her gifts and find out what she'd gotten!

Caroline had the most exhausting day ever and she slept very hard most of the afternoon and loved all of her new toys and outfits. But she especially loved the bows...

The greatest part (in my opinion) was that it snowed. In all my thirty-two years it has never snowed where I lived on Christmas Day. Caroline's first Christmas and she already gets a White Christmas! How exciting! She heard about it and immediately put on some boots and was ready to go out and play in the snow!

Too bad we said it was too cold for her! :)

All in all it was truly a wonderful Christmas and I am so glad that Caroline just loved it. I look forward to many more Christmases with her and watching her grow up. It was just so much more magical with her in our lives.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome Caroline Marie!!

Well considering the fact that on January 6th Caroline will be three months old, I'm falling a little behind on the updating! We've been pretty busy around here and I think that Caroline and I are finally getting into a routine. Although, I did sit down to start writing this with her asleep and now by the fourth line she's awake and starting to fuss. Here's hoping she goes back to sleep and lets me finish updating the world on her! :) (**I started this on her one month birthday and am just now finishing it. The joys of motherhood!**)

Here are the main details on Caroline's birth. I went to the hospital on Tuesday, October 5th at 6:00 to be induced. I got there and the doctor put me on Pitocin and we began the long wait for Caroline to make her appearance! Needless to say that labor was much, MUCH harder than I thought it would be. I ended up taking some pain medicine to help and that did help me get through a good bit of the pain and helped me to sleep for a while. I finally made it to about 7 cm dilated and the pain got to where I just couldn't take it anymore, so I asked for the epidural. Oh it was so gloriously wonderful and I wish I'd asked for it earlier! :) I labored for another couple of hours after the epidural and they kept increasing my dosage of Pitocin because she wasn't progressing like they wanted her to. Finally after 14 hours of labor my doctor came in and told me that, unfortunately, Caroline's head just wasn't dropping like it was supposed to. He said that we could keep going but he didn't think it was going to happen and more than likely I was going to need to have a c-section. By this point I was getting such a high dosage of Pitocin that I was starting to be able to feel the contractions through the epidural and so I was agreeable to just move forward with the c-section. I was exhausted and ready for Caroline to be here!

So Joe and I went into the OR and within about 20 minutes Caroline was here! She arrived at 9:37 a.m. and weighed in at 8 pounds, 1 ounce. She was 20 inches long and she was absolutely beautiful!!

The doctor and all of the nurses that were in the OR with us repeatedly told us how gorgeous she was and we were all just so excited and glowing. Joe got to go over and take pictures of her as they cleaned her up and weighed her. I just got to lay on the table and wait. :) It was excruciating waiting to see her and even when Joe got to bring her over, I still had to wait until I was in recovery before I could hold her! But it was worth the wait!!

My very first moment of holding her. She was just so breathtaking!

Happy Mommy and Baby Caroline!

Because I had the c-section, I had to stay in the hospital from when she was born (Wednesday morning, 10/6/10) until Saturday morning. I have never hated being in a hospital more than that. You never get any sleep because the nurses are always in there and because the bed is so awful. I was so happy to come home!

We finally got to leave on Saturday morning. Joe had to work, but my mom came and brought us girls home. Caroline absolutely loved her first car ride ever!!

I am so glad that she is finally home and we can enjoy this journey together. She is so stinking fabulous!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nugget Day!! Well, hopefully...

Today is the day that I go to the hospital to be induced. Apparently this child is really developing this stubborn streak and she is holding on for dear life. They have been checking me every week for the last 4 weeks and each week I've progressed very slightly from the week before. Finally last week (on my due date) the doctor just decided that it wasn't happening on my own and we were going to have to give her a push. :) I've told Joe that I honestly believe she's lost. She is really pushing on my stomach a lot and so I think she thinks she's supposed to head out that way. Joe said, well it is dark in there. HA!

I am very glad and thankful that up until the last week and a half I have still felt super. It's only since I stopped working that I've started feeling rundown and easily worn out. Just taking a shower usually tires me out. So even though I really wanted to avoid being induced, I'm so ready to have her out in the real world and my body can go back to somewhat being my own. :)

So essentially this is the rundown of what's going to happen today. I'm going to go to the hospital this afternoon at 5:30 and they will start off with using this balloon device that is supposed to inflate and try to force my cervix to begin dilating. After we get that going, I'm supposedly going to get started on Pitocin (a drug that is supposed to help move labor along). Now I've heard numerous horror stories about Pitocin and how it can make your contractions much harder and much more painful. So I really had wanted to avoid Pitocin, but it looks like it's inevitable since this little girl won't come on out. So if anyone wants to tell me about their experiences with Pitocin and how great it was, I will gladly welcome those stories. :-D

So with going in at 5:30, there's always the chance that this will take a while and she won't be born until tomorrow, so we'll see about what her actual birthday will end up being. Joe is currently on his way home from south Georgia as we speak. He got on the road at about 12:30 and it's about a 5 hour drive give or take. So he has to go by our house first to drop off our dog and then he'll be on to the hospital. So he should be to the hospital by about 6 or so. So we could use prayers that he has a safe journey and doesn't encounter any obstacles in arriving here on time.

I am so very nervous and excited and scared all at the same time. Like I said, I've heard some horror stories about being induced and so that has me kind of freaked out. Also, because we're inducing that still leaves a chance that if it doesn't work that I'll end up with a c-section and I honestly don't want that either. So there are just so many unknowns out there! But I am so very glad that she'll be here by tomorrow at the latest! I have waited for this day for SO LONG and to know that she'll be here in less than 24 hours is SO EXCITING!!! I can NOT wait to meet her and start getting to know her! I can't wait for all of y'all to meet her too! I will update as soon as she's here and I physically can. :) Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers as we enter this whole new phase of our lives.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

39 Weeks!!

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth, but it's likely she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

I never thought I'd be this close! Today I am officially one week away from my due date. It is just insane to me that I'm literally about one week (give or take) away from having a baby! It really just blows my mind. I'd say about 90% of the time I am completely ready and eager for her to come and be here and to begin our lives and begin getting to know her. But then there's that other little 10% that I am scared out of my mind and saying, am I really ready for this? I know that there is no way to ever be completely prepared for a baby, especially the first baby, but I just have to keep reassuring myself that I am ready. And at least I am so incredibly blessed to be living with my mom right now, so I'll have an expert around to help me out! :) I figure my brother and I both turned out pretty awesome, so I will take all the advice and help she's willing to dole out!

I did go to the doctor yesterday for my weekly checkup and the doctor I saw told me that unfortunately I haven't progressed any at all. Nothing. No movement, no dilating, no thinning - nothing. So she said that I needed to start walking and eating Eggplant Parmesan! :) Have y'all heard of this place? It's over in Smyrna and supposedly you eat their EP and it puts you into labor! I'm willing to try anything!! I appreciate the fact that they're willing to put their recipe up online! The doctor yesterday even told me that she's sent 5 of her patients there and it worked for all 5 of them!

The upside to things not moving along is that I reallllllllly wanted to go to the Duluth Fall Festival this weekend. My mom and I go every single year and it was a tradition that I just really didn't want to miss. So there was always the fear that I'd end up going into labor right beforehand and not be able to go. I know there's still that chance, but it seems less likely. So that's definitely a plus!

I go back to see my doctor next Tuesday and hopefully I will have progressed. If not, I'm hoping that he will be willing to do something to move this process along. My mom has to go down to their condo in Orange Beach the weekend of October 8-10 and Nugget and I were supposed to go along, but that won't happen if she's too young, so the sooner we get her born the better! :)

In the meantime, if you need me, you'll find me walking around my neighborhood trying to walk this baby out!! :) If you have any other suggestions for what will help bring on labor - I'm willing to try them all!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

38 Weeks!!

Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

Well this is the first time I've ever updated this late in the week! This week has been insanely busy for me. I had my external cephalic version last week and despite being ridiculously painful - it was a success! It honestly wasn't THAT bad because the whole thing lasted less than 10 minutes. She was very cooperative (for once) and the doctor was able to easily turn her into position. Then I had to lay there in the hospital for another hour to make sure she didn't go into distress and everything was ok. All in all, a pretty successful event! I did manage to find out though while we were there and I was being monitored, that apparently I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions and didn't even realize it! I'm glad they haven't been bothering me though.

I am very fortunate that my doctor also happens to attend my church and is in the Sunday School class that I go to with my mom. So on Sunday he was asking me how things were going and how I felt. He said he was kind of surprised with the contractions that I was having on Thursday, that things hadn't kind of started moving along. In fact, he told me he wanted me to come in on Tuesday so he could check things out and see how I was progressing. He told me to also keep my initial appointment on Thursday because he might want to check things again on Thursday depending on what he saw on Tuesday. Well, I got there Tuesday and nothing. I hadn't progressed at all. He said my cervix had thinned some but I was dilated at all yet. So I had gone from thinking "oh my goodness, she's coming this week!" to having my appointment for Thursday canceled and told that he'd be really surprised if she did come this week. Sad! I had run around like a crazy person trying to finish up last minute things and get all of my bags packed for the hospital. The good news is that I am all packed and ready to go! :)

So I go back on Monday afternoon to see where things stand. I'm about ready to start trying all of those old wives' tales to see if anything will help speed things along. :) I went walking with a friend of mine yesterday and it definitely got Nugget up and kicking, so maybe walking is going to be the thing. Mom and I are going to start going walking every day next week. We're also going to go to Suwanee Days this weekend and walk around there. If we get desperate and she's not here by next Friday, we're going to Provino's for some Eggplant Parmesan!

In the meantime, we're going back to my house this weekend to try and finish up last minute cleaning so that my house can be in tip top shape for when I finally come back there in November when Joe gets home. It's going to be a VERY busy weekend. I'm hoping that come Monday I will be showing some progress towards this baby being born!

I would appreciate prayers though for this coming arrival. My biggest fear in all of this is that Joe is currently 5 hours away (6 if he's at work when he gets the call) and I'm worried that he won't make it in time for the birth. My prayer right now is that she holds off and comes next weekend (the 24th or 25th) because Joe will be coming home that weekend and he'll already be here. That would be my ideal birth situation. Of course, I know that this is all in God's time and this little girl is only coming when she's good and ready, but it never hurts to put in a request, right? :)

I would also appreciate any prayers for my sanity. :) I am currently training my temporary replacement at work this week (which may spill into next week, we don't know yet) and it is definitely a bit stressful and frustrating. I don't think I'm a very good trainer as I don't always have a lot of patience - I know, not good for dealing with babies and children, but I'm hoping to learn some along the way!! ;) But, in the meantime, I'm struggling to train and keep from losing my mind because training means I'm really not getting much of my work done at the same time. I really want to be able to go out on maternity leave next Friday (the 24th) and have everything caught up and up to date and not feel worried about things when I'm gone. I know that once Nugget gets here I won't even be thinking about work, but for the time being I don't want to go off and leave my bosses in a bad situation. So I'm working my butt off to get it all done. I know it'll all be worth it in 6 work days when I don't have to go back for 2 glorious months!! Woo-hoo!

I promise to update again (on time next week!) when I go to the doctor next Monday. Fingers crossed for lots of progress and good reports from the doctor then!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

37 Weeks!!

Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, her lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)

Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

Well not much has changed really from my last update. I am starting to feel like there really is no more room in the inn and she honestly can't get too much bigger. The uncomfortableness level has just really kicked it up a notch. I had a hard time sleeping this weekend, but did okay last night. My hands are finally starting to swell a bit - so much so that I can't get my wedding ring off.

I go in today for another ultrasound so they can note Nugget's position, verify that she has enough fluid and make sure the cord isn't around her neck. If she's still breech and everything else is still good, then I have an appointment at the hospital on Thursday at 12 noon to try and manually turn her. I am really going back and forth now between the pros and cons of both the c-section and normal birth. I can now (having thought about this over and over and over again) see pros for both and so I don't really even know what I'm pulling for at this point! I just pray that whatever happens, Nugget is healthy and comes out with no serious complications. I am just ready for her to be here so we can start getting to know her and so someone else besides me might get to hold her for awhile! :)

I will update again as soon as I know more!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

This child is really stubborn...

Well, I had my doctor's appointment today and despite everything looking good - I'm measuring 38 weeks, no weight gain or loss, good blood pressure, etc. - she's still breech. Apparently I haven't done enough to encourage and help her to get her in the right spot! Well, I just think she's being stubborn and doing exactly the opposite of what we want her to do. I swear she gets that from her Daddy. :) So now I have to try my hardest to do the exercises the doctor has given me and get her to turn this weekend.

I have an ultrasound on Tuesday afternoon which will just be to check her position, the level of fluid and to verify that the cord isn't around her neck. If all of those things check out, then I will have an appointment at the hospital on either Thursday or Friday for what they call an external cephalic version which means that the doctor will give me an injection to relax my uterus and they will try to manually turn her from the outside.

One of three things could happen from this:

1. It will be a success and they will get her into the correct position with no problems - my doctor says this happens in about 50 to 60% of first time mothers.

2. It won't work and she'll stay in the position that she's in and continue to be stubborn. This means that I will then have to schedule a c-section and pray that before that scheduled c-section occurs, she turns.

3. It won't work and it will cause some sort of distress that can't be corrected and I'll have to be rushed in for an emergency c-section. This is, obviously, NOT AN OPTION. She needs to understand that NOW. :)

So obviously my first choice is that she turns on her own like a good girl. After that I'm praying that she will allow them to manipulate her and get her into the right position. I realllllllllllly do not want to have a c-section, emergency or otherwise. I am a little... ok a lot... nervous about this and can really use all the prayers I can get that she will start using all this activeness to move herself around.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

36 Weeks!! Only one more month to go!

Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.

At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position. But if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.

I think I'm finally reaching the stage where I'm slightly uncomfortable at times. I think I'm very blessed to have gone 36 weeks and only just now started feeling uncomfortable here and there. For the most part this pregnancy has been a dream and I haven't had one single complaint! But these days I think Nugget is just getting too big for this small space and I feel like she is constantly trying to push my organs out of her way. She is already developing a bossy personality and I feel like she's shoving things and saying, "give me more room!" I guess though if she really is close to 6 pounds and 18.5" long that is a lot of baby to be crammed in this tiny space! I don't really think she's that big yet, but only time will tell!

I have my next doctor's appointment on Thursday and hopefully we'll be able to know more then. As of my last visit, Nugget was still breech and she doesn't have much more time to get it together and get in the position, so I'm praying feverishly that by this visit she's head down because I know if she doesn't get that way it means a c-section for me and that is so NOT what I want.

My mom and I worked really hard on the nursery this past weekend and we have gotten SO much accomplished. It's still not complete, but Joe is coming home this weekend and he will be helping us to finish what is left - hanging some shelves and the curtains along with a decal that I've ordered to go over the crib with her name on it. Here are some pictures of what we've gotten done thus far:

Here is her crib, complete with bedding and the cute little bunny that Mom and I made for Nugget at Build-A Bear!

Here is her changing table, complete with little baskets underneath for all of the accessories and toys we're going to have for her.

This is the bookcase that Mom and I put together for all of her toys and books (which are still over at Mom's house for the moment). All of the animals that are on there for now are gifts that she's gotten or ones from my own childhood.
This is the most adorable lamp ever which is sitting on the bookcase! I got this at one of my showers and I am just in love with it! SO cute!!

This is the rocker/recliner that is in the room. This rocker belonged to my parents back in the day and my little brother has had it since he was in college. Before I put the lovely slipcover on it, it was a horrid shade of green. The blanket draped over it is one that my grandmother (my mom's mom) crocheted for me when I was born and I think it's just fate that the colors match my scheme perfectly! The little stuffed tiger was a gift from my uncle when I was going off the college as a freshman at Auburn.

Here is a cute close up of the adorable tiger!!

This is a basket I got to put next to the recliner that will hold all of the various blankets. It's got two cute little stuffed turtles of mine sitting there keeping them company!

And finally, this is a basket holding a bunch of stuffed animals that are all from my childhood that I hope she loves playing with. Next to it is a rocking horse that my granddad (my mom's dad) hand made for me when I was born. I just love having all of these things of mine that I will be able to pass on to Nugget and hope that she will get the same enjoyment out of them as I did!

I will take more pictures this weekend after we get finished with all of the last minute things that we have to do. I can't believe that our little girl is going to be here in less than a month! How crazy is that??? I am SO excited! I can't wait!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

35 Weeks!!

Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

5 weeks left! I can't believe it. We're in the homestretch! There is so much left to do - or at least I feel that way! There's still a bit of stuff I want to get done in the nursery. Mainly getting some stuff hung up on the walls and getting the closet cleaned out and ready for diapers and onesies! :)

I had 3 showers last week and now I have so many wonderful things - I really don't know what to do with it all! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family members who gave me so many wonderful things. I'm also amazed to find out how many of my friends are so talented and can make such beautiful gifts for Nugget!

I also went to the doctor last week for my 34 week checkup and apparently everything is still looking great! He said I'm measuring right where I need to be. My blood pressure is still excellent and somehow I've lost another pound. So this is 3 pounds now that I've lost and when I was only up 5 to begin with ... doesn't leave much! The doctor said he's not too worried about me losing weight though because he can tell that Nugget is still growing and that's what we want happening. I never in a million years ever thought I'd be concerned about not gaining enough weight when pregnant. I will never forget the first doctor's appointment I had when he told me he only wanted me to gain 10 pounds and I thought he was crazy. I've never had a problem with gaining weight! :) Unfortunately, Nugget is still breech. She needs to stop being stubborn and get to turning because she's only got about 2 weeks left to turn. The doctor gave me some exercises I could do to try and help her get in the right position. Unfortunately, I'm supposed to do them when she's most active and thus far, she's always been most active in places where I can't do the exercises - like in the middle of church on Sunday. :) So here's praying that she finally gets over her stubbornness and gets right!

Another good news item ... Joe starts his next rotation on September 7th. He is very fortunate in that this next rotation they are giving him the 6th (Labor Day) off so he can come home that weekend - earlier than we'd anticipated. Which also means that he'll come back 3 weeks from then which will be the weekend before my due date. So if Nugget holds out that long, we have a chance that maybe she'll come while he's already here! Which would be WONDERFUL! So I am putting in all kinds of prayers for that to happen! That has been my biggest fear throughout this entire pregnancy - that Joe wouldn't be able to make it back up here in time for Nugget's big day. So it would be such an incredible blessing if she could make an appearance while he's already here. :) But as mentioned before, she is our child and she is incredibly stubborn already, so she's probably going to be a pain in this too. :)

Oh and one more exciting piece of news! My doctor has informed me that every now and then they will decide to do what they call "specialing" a patient. What that means is that when I do go into labor, I will call in and let them know - if it's after hours and the doctor on call isn't my doctor, then the doctor on call will just come in to verify that I actually am in labor. Once they do verify that, then the on call doctor will call my doctor and let him know that I'm in labor and my doctor will come in and deliver Nugget no matter what! (well unless there is some reason that he physically is unable to do so, like he's out of town or something crazy like that). So no more anxiety over whether or not my doctor will be the one to deliver. I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful OB who has taken such ridiculously good care of me throughout this entire process. I couldn't have asked for better!

I am so excited to think that we are only 8 days away from next month and she will (hopefully) be here next month!! I have my next doctor's appointment next week on the 3rd and then I will start going in every week after that. Here's praying that she's turned and is getting into position by then!

I am going to try and get back over to the house sometime this weekend and get to work on the nursery and hopefully will get it close to finished and can post some pictures! :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

34 Weeks!!

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Well we're getting closer and closer! This week is going to be the beginning of fun! I'm having THREE baby showers this week! Three! I'm so excited! I'm excited about finally starting to get things set up for Nugget but I'm also excited because there are people coming to my showers that I haven't seen in ages and so I'm looking forward to catching up with old friends as well!

I'm still doing well and feeling great. I'm hoping this carries over and continues for the next 6 weeks. My only complaint is the lack of sleep. I fall asleep easily, but I do find myself getting up at least once if not two or three times during the night to go to the bathroom or because of leg cramps. So despite going to bed at a reasonable time, I'm usually still feeling pretty tired when I wake up every morning. But it could most definitely be worse and so I'm thankful that's the worst of it for now.

I can remember when we first found out I was pregnant, I was about 6 weeks along and now I only have about 6 weeks left to go. It is truly amazing to me how FAST this time has flown by. I really thought back in February that this would take FOREVER to get here and now I'm thinking, slow down! I'm not ready yet! I still have so much I want to get done in the nursery and so now my weekends are filled with trying to get all of that accomplished.

Joe gets to come home this weekend and I can't wait! It's been 3 weeks since the last time he was home and it feels like forever. Although I'm sure that the 3 days he's here will fly by as well.

I also get to go back to the doctor on Thursday morning for my next checkup. The last two visits have had me losing weight and so I'm kind of hoping to either have stayed the same or at least gained a pound or two back because I feel bad losing weight, like I'm not giving Nugget enough of what she needs! I never imagined that I would actually have a problem with LOSING weight during pregnancy! I'm not complaining, but I just want to make sure Nugget is getting all the nutrition she needs! I've also been having a lot of problems lately with feeling lightheaded and dizzy and so I really want to bring that up to the doctor and see what could be the cause of that.

I can't believe that I'm only 2 weeks away from being considered "full term" and that she is going to be here (hopefully) next month! Yikes! I'm so excited and nervous all rolled into one!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

33 Weeks!!

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. She's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

We're getting ever closer and I'm getting more and more excited with each passing day knowing that it's going to be SO very soon when she's finally here and I can hold her in my arms.

My mom and I got a lot of work done this weekend as far as getting everything that I have so far in place in the nursery and planning out what else I have left to do. I am having a wall decal made to put over her crib with her name and I went ahead and got that ordered yesterday. I've also got a cross-stitch piece that my mom made for me when I was a little girl and we're going to take that and get it re-framed to match Nugget's nursery. I also am looking to hang up floating shelves and a collage frame in the room so I can display pictures of her all the time. I've also got an old medicine cabinet with a mirror that was once in my grandparents' house and I'm going to refinish that and use the mirror to go right over her changing table. I am really excited about the plans we have for the nursery and I can't wait for it to start really coming together!

I went to the doctor last week for my checkup and got to meet another one of the doctors in the practice. As I may have mentioned before, my doctor wants me to make sure and get an opportunity to meet the other 3 OBs in the practice in case one of them is on call when I go into labor. That way it won't be like I've got a total stranger delivering my baby. :) I wasn't exactly in love with the first doctor that I got to see. There wasn't anything wrong with him, he just didn't really have much of a bedside manner and I just imagine that when I'm trying to push this baby out, I'm gonna want someone a little less gruff. So this was my second doctor of the three and the only female in the practice. She was nice and from the 15 minutes or so I spent with her, I liked her, so that's a relief. Everything was still looking good at this visit. Somehow I've managed to lose 2 pounds since my last visit back at the beginning of July but this doctor didn't seem to be too concerned with that. That takes me up to only gaining a total of 3 pounds. I'm not complaining, but I do want to just check with my doctor and make sure that he's on board with it. My blood pressure was lower than normal, but still in the good, healthy range and so that was a plus. I was right at 32 weeks but I am apparently measuring 34 weeks - who knows what that really means in the grand scheme of things though. Also, Nugget is still breech. Not acceptable little girl! She needs to work on turning and get into position! The doctors keep telling me I have time for her to turn though. So I'm optimistic. If she doesn't turn that means a c-section for me and that is something I most definitely DO NOT WANT. So lots of prayers that she'll get to turning! I'm hoping when I go back to see the doctor on the 19th that she will have turned by then.

Well that's all the updating I have for today! :) I'll fill in more next week!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

32 Weeks!!

By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

Well we're definitely getting closer!!! I can't believe we're down to only about 2 months to go. I was ripping off calendar pages at work yesterday and thought, goodness! She's going to be here next month! It seems like just yesterday that we found out I was pregnant. This time has flown by so quickly! I am so eager for September to hurry up and get here because I'm ready for her to be out and available for cuddling! I can't wait to meet her and get to know her and for her to develop into a little person! I know it's all going to happen so fast but I am so ready for it!

I was fortunate enough to have Joe home for the last week and so we were able to do a lot in preparation of Nugget's arrival. We had our 3D ultrasound and we were able to go check out daycare facilities. Joe got the changing table all set up in the nursery and I think we've got the basic set up arranged at least. Then this past weekend we got to go to our birthing class over at the hospital. It was interesting to say the least. I don't think there was much that we learned that we didn't already know, but there were a few techniques for breathing and relaxation that hopefully will help come Nugget Day. What really surprised me is how many of the girls in the class had no idea about some of the things that I thought were pretty basic. Maybe it's because I'm older, but I've just tried to read as much as I can about pregnancy and about delivering and tried to get as much information as I could so that come Nugget Day I'm not in the dark and get hit with something I wasn't expecting.

I've got three showers coming up this month and I can't wait! I think that actually getting little Nugget things is going to make this even more real for me and it just really signifies that she's almost here! This is really going to be the greatest day ever for Joe and I and I know that we both can't wait!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

31 Weeks and 3D Ultrasound!!

This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. She weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

I tell you what, the above is not a lie. She is moving like crazy! Kicking and somersaulting all over the place. My mom finally got to feel her move yesterday morning and then Joe felt her again yesterday afternoon and so I'm glad she's finally willing to make her presence known to people other than me. Joe was getting upset that she would never kick for him. I just kept telling him that she felt he was a calming presence. :) I also think the growth spurt part is right on because my belly is sore these days and I can't fathom its from anything other than trying to grow, grow, grow in these last 9 weeks.

9 weeks??? Yikes! I can remember that I found out about Nugget and we had our first ultrasound when I was about 9 weeks. Insane. That seems sooooo long ago and back then it seemed like getting this far was going to take FOREVER! Now 9 weeks seems like no time and I think Nugget will be here before we know it!

Well yesterday morning Joe, my mom, my step-brother Brian and I all traipsed to the doctor's office to undergo the 3D ultrasound! I was so excited and ready to see Nugget and finally be able to imagine what it would be like when she gets here! Of course, because Nugget is our child, she's already stubborn. She so didn't want to cooperate and kept putting her hand AND foot in front of her face so we couldn't get a clear shot of her for long. I swear! This child is either going to be a contortionist or a gymnast or a really great yoga instructor with this serious flexibility she's got going on! :) Here are just a few of the images that we got yesterday:

I think she is so cute here! I don't know what the bubble is in front of her face though...

Here's another one. So precious! Her cheeks already look good and pinchable!

This one is one of my favorites. It was getting towards the end of the ultrasound and she had been giving us fits the entire time and the tech pointed out that she had her tongue sticking out. I said, "she's mocking us!!!" Figures... she is our child. :)

This one is a good example of her ridiculous flexibility already. I mean, there's no way I'd be getting my face, foot and hand all in one shot! Doesn't she look uncomfortable??

And again, she's trying to be shy for the camera. Her cute little hand and foot are helping to block her face. I just cannot get over how detailed her fingers and toes are! These 3D ultrasounds are just simply amazing!!

We finally got our changing table and Joe just put it all together this morning as well as our swing that I received as a birthday present. The slipcover for the recliner also came in today and I think things are really moving right along. I hope to get the room kind of set up tonight and get some pictures taken. Then all we really have left to do is get some things to hang on the wall and get the valances hung. I am really loving her room! I hope she loves it too. It's amazing that I've managed to get any work done today because I just keep looking at these pictures over and over again because they are so amazing to me. I can't believe in only 9 short weeks (give or take) she's going to be here and changing our lives completely! I honestly cannot wait!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Big 3-0!

Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

Wow. 30 weeks. When I was reading my weekly update this morning on the baby website, it said "feel like you've been pregnant for forever?" Um, no, actually I don't. It honestly feels like just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant! The past 30 weeks have honestly flown by and I just know the next 10 (or so) will probably go by just as quickly and Nugget will be here before we know it!

We went over the weekend and finally picked out a changing table and ordered it and so I'm excited about that coming in and finally getting the nursery set up. I still need to order a slipcover for the rocker/recliner that's in there and I guess I should do that soon too! I'm starting to have the realization that she's going to be here soon and I'm not ready yet!!! YIKES! I've started making guest lists for baby showers and it's just more and more evidence that little Nugget Day is right around the corner. Will I ever really be ready for her?

For the moment I'm choosing to try and focus on my upcoming 3D ultrasound, which is scheduled for next Monday, July 26th. I can't wait to see her in all her 3D glory! It's been a while since I last had an ultrasound and I'm starting to go through withdrawals!! :) I'm also looking forward to the fact that Joe will be done with his first full rotation down in South Georgia on Friday. I'm flying down to meet up with him on Thursday and then riding back home with him on Friday. Then he gets to be home for an entire week! HOORAY! We're also going to our birthing classes at the hospital on July 30th and the 31st. I'm looking forward to those as well. So we really have quite the busy end to this month.

August will probably be just as crazy with showers going on and trying to finalize everything in the nursery for Nugget's arrival, plus the increased frequency of the doctor's visits. I honestly can't wait for September to get here so I can meet my little girl! It's going to be so wonderful and awesome!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

29 Weeks!!

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing bigger to make room for her developing brain. To meet her increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because her bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

Wow. I'm down to only 11 weeks to go (give or take). It is going to be here so quickly and I'm suddenly feeling incredibly panicky that I have nothing accomplished! There is so much to be done!

The past 5 days have been incredibly hard on my family as Thursday afternoon, July 8th, my step-father Harold passed away suddenly and very unexpectedly. It has honestly thrown my world into a tailspin. I've gone through so many emotions and cried so many tears. I honestly thought that I was just about out of tears but they seem to keep finding their way into my day. Despite getting plenty of sleep the last few nights, I still just feel mentally and emotionally exhausted. I just feel like there are so many thoughts swimming around in my head that I can't quiet them all and I cannot calm my heart. I have been very blessed, however, to have such a wonderful loving family - some of whom are still here in town with us that are honestly such a godsend to my mother. I don't know what we honestly would have done with out them. I feel like we're at such a point of uncertainty in our lives right now and all we can do is just trust that God will give us peace, comfort and strength through these difficult times.

One of my favorite Bible verses that my brother shared with me when I was going through my divorce back in 2003 and it has stuck with me ever since: But we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. - Romans 5:3

I know that Harold is in heaven and it makes me happy because I know my grandparents and his parents are there with him and I can just imagine all the fun Harold is having with his dad and my grandfather doing some sort of project. I just miss him so very much and I know my life will never be the same without him. I am just absolutely heartbroken that Nugget will never have the opportunity to know him and to learn all that I have learned from him. I know he was so happy that she was coming. I am just so grateful that God did allow me to have him in my life for over twenty years.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

28 Weeks!!! Officially the Third Trimester!

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Hooray for the third trimester! I really feel like this is the home stretch! Actually, this morning I had a doctor's appointment and he told me that I'll have another appointment in 4 weeks and after that I'll start going every 2 weeks. When he told me that it finally hit me in the face - oh my lord! She's going to be here before we know it!!! Yikes! I have so much to do!!!

I am so incredibly fortunate to have such a wonderful family who really go above and beyond to take care of me and to help me prepare for Nugget's arrival. The first thing is the rocker/recliner for the nursery. We are using this old rocker that my parents have had since like the beginning of time. Ever since the early 2000s or so, it has been in my brother Robert's possession and recently that meant it was with him and my sister-in-law, Rebecca, in Herndon, Virginia (i.e. - about a ten hour drive from here). My sister-in-law made the trek down here, by herself mind you, to bring me that chair! I mean we're talking 20 cumulative hours of driving alone just to bring me that chair. I am just so eternally grateful that she was willing to do that, more than I can ever express in words!

Secondly, I've just been gone to St. Simons Island to visit Joe for the past 5 days or so and I got home last night. When I arrived home, I found that the nursery had been painted thanks to my mom. It looks amazing! I can't wait to start getting everything in there and seeing it all come together. Now, I knew that she was going to paint the nursery, but what I didn't know was that while I was gone she and my step-dad would clean my house! They spent 10 hours cleaning!!! And it's not even finished! If that doesn't give you some indication to the condition of my house... I was just overwhelmed and thrilled to find that my house was cleaner than it had ever been. I mean, I don't even think it was this clean when we moved in! It was so nice to come home from vacation and not have to worry about coming home to a dirty house! Now, I just have to keep it this way! Which shouldn't be too hard with my mom threatening me with bodily harm every time we talk if I even think about letting it get the slightest bit dirty. :)

Like I said above, I went back to the doctor today for my 28 week checkup. The doctor says everything is looking great! My weight is exactly the same as it was 3 weeks ago - so no gain (hooray! holding steady at only a 5 pound gain) and my blood pressure is at 130/72 (give or take my bad memory) and that's pretty normal for me. He said everything is going great and he said as long as things continue he's just thrilled with the progress. I go back again on August 4th and then I'll start coming every 2 weeks. Insane! I can't believe we only have about 12 weeks to go! 12 weeks! It all seems like just yesterday that we started this journey. Oh I can't wait to get to the conclusion and finally meet Nugget and start getting to know her! How exciting!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

27 Weeks!!

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

Well apparently, according to what I've been reading, this is the last week of my second trimester. In all honesty, that doesn't make a dang bit of sense, but oh well. You'd figure if you had 3 trimesters, they'd each be 13 weeks, but apparently that's not the case. So one more week to go and I'll be in the "homestretch"!

Today is my birthday and so I am just absolutely thrilled to be sharing the excitement with Nugget this year. I also love the fact that I am getting baby gifts for my birthday! It is so exciting! I've already gotten the cutest little onesies!

This past weekend I did some more work on getting the nursery to completion. Mom and I went to Home Depot and I think we finally narrowed down the color that we're going to paint. I got a sample and I painted a few places in the room to get an idea. So hopefully soon we'll get the nursery all painted. And by "we" I mean my mom and step-dad. Apparently I've been banned from painting due to the fumes. Well, I'm not going to complain too much on that one! :)

I also got a coupon in the mail from Build a Bear for a free bear, so we headed out to the mall and Mom and I made a cute little stuffed bunny for Nugget that says "I love you" when you squeeze her paw. Her name is Mopsy Cottontail. :) I'm so original, right? I'm excited about making the bunny for her! One of the first stuffed animals she's ever gotten and she's not even here yet!

Nugget will also be making her first trip to the beach this weekend. We're leaving on Thursday around lunchtime to go visit Joe down in South Georgia and I can NOT wait. He's been gone for only 10 days, but it already feels like a lifetime. I also am eager to see my brother-in-law and sister-in-law (who's also pregnant! Yay for cousins!!) who live on St. Simons and I haven't seen them in a year! It'll be great to get to visit with family too.

I go back to the doctor next week on the 7th, so I'll have more to update then!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

26 Weeks!!!

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. She may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. She's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of her lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when she's born and takes that first gulp of air. And she's continuing to put on baby fat. She now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel.

I feel like I should start a countdown!! Only 14 weeks to go! I'm only one week away from being at the end of my 2nd trimester. It honestly still feels like I just found out about Nugget yesterday. The time has really flown by since that day in February when the stick read positive. Oh how our lives have changed so much already. I already have so much love for her (despite all of her moving around! Ha!) and I can only begin to imagine how much more that love will grow once she's here and we get to know her and she starts to develop her own personality!

I am definitely starting to notice these hormones kicking in as I have just really been extra emotional lately. And anyone who knows me knows that I was an emotional person to begin with and so boo-hooing over commercials is almost kind of funny. For example, my mom and step-dad have been gone on vacation for about 2 weeks and so for 2 weeks now I haven't heard or talked to my mom. She called me last night from the airport and I started getting all teary eyed just hearing her voice. I just hope it doesn't get any worse!

Joe finally left to move down to South Georgia this past Saturday to start his rotations for pharmacy school. That was incredibly hard on both of us. In the 4 years we've been married, we've never spent more than a day apart from each other and so this is new ground we're treading here. He's living with his mom and dad and so at least he has some other people to interact with everyday. As much as I would like, the dog and cat, just can't hold the same level of conversation. :) Although I am glad to have them around! At least I'm going down to visit St. Simons next week for the 4th of July weekend and so that will be fun and a nice, very needed getaway. I'm looking forward to seeing Joe and especially my in-laws that also live down there. I feel like I haven't seen them in ages!!

Everyday we just get one day closer to having Nugget in our lives and I honestly am so ready for her to be here! I've waited for so long for this moment in our lives and now I just can't wait!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

25 Weeks!!

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Well I went back to the doctor yesterday to have my monthly checkup. I got to see a different doctor this time than my normal one and let's just say, he's not my favorite. There is nothing worse (in my opinion) than a doctor who is just abrupt and not very friendly. Let's just say, don't ask me if I "have any questions" and then when I start to ask them, begin inching towards the door and trying to get out of giving me any sort of solid answer. I am very thankful that I am back to my own doctor for my next appointment! I think I've been given renewed appreciation for how wonderful he is!

There was lots of good news though at the appointment... I haven't gained any more weight so I'm holding steady at a 5 pound weight gain! I think for only having 15 weeks to go, I am THRILLED with only a 5 pound weight gain! I also had my blood pressure go down compared to my last few visits, so that was good. The doctor did manage to tell me before bolting for the door that everything looked perfect and so I'm right on track. Next time I get to go back and do the dreaded glucose screening to test for the possibility of gestational diabetes. Let's hope and pray that I only have to do this once! I've heard it's awful, but as long as these test results come back normal I won't have to go through the testing again. So fingers crossed!!

Nugget is moving all the time these days and it is just amazing to me to feel her moving so much. So many times I stop and wonder - just what the heck are you doing in there little girl?? But I love it! At my last appointment the doctor had told me that she was in the 50th percentile for her weight (right in the middle!) and so I am hoping it stays that way. Especially after Joe's mom told us last night that he weighed 9 pounds when he was born. NINE POUNDS??? Good lord! Let's hope that Nugget doesn't take after her dad in that aspect!! :)

We went and picked up paint swatches at the store this weekend and so I'm hoping that we can get the nursery painted by the end of the month. My mom is going to come and help and so I'm thinking it might be next weekend and then the nursery will really start to come together! I can't wait!!

I go back to the doctor again in 3 weeks (July 7th) and so I'll have more to update then! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Nugget Pics!!

We went back to the doctor today for my 24 week visit and to get one more ultrasound. I got to have this additional ultrasound because Nugget wasn't cooperating last time and the tech couldn't get a good image of her heart. So I had to go back today so that we could look at her heart. Of course she didn't cooperate again today but we were more determined to force her to show us the goods. :) After a lot of poking and moving into awkward positions, we were finally able to get the shots we needed. I also got some new shots of Nugget to share:

Here's a side shot. She has her knee bent and her fist up to her mouth. She kept putting her arms up in front of her face. I don't know if she was being shy or what, but Joe was convinced she was just "raising the roof" and dancing. Sometimes it feels like that with the way she moves around! :)

Another side shot. Her elbow and knee are touching.

This time she's looking straight at the camera.

One last side shot. You can see her little ear on the side of her head. Gosh, I just think she's so precious already and these aren't even the greatest pictures! I can't wait to get the 3D ones!!!!

Unfortunately, I didn't actually get to see the doctor today. There are 4 doctors in my practice and my OB wanted me to start rotating and seeing the other doctors with today's visit so that I would get to meet them all in case they happen to be on call when I go into labor. I was supposed to see the one female doctor today but she had been called to the hospital earlier in the day and was about an hour and a half behind on seeing patients and I honestly didn't want to wait that long. So I've rescheduled for Monday morning. So we'll get our checkup then on weight and blood pressure, etc.

Seeing Nugget again today was just so exciting and makes me even more ready to meet her in September! I won't have another ultrasound again until July 26th which is when my 3D ultrasound takes place. This is the longest I will have had to go between ultrasounds since I found out I was pregnant! I don't know what I'll do!! :) But I'm glad to know that Nugget is still growing well and everything looks good!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

24 Weeks!!

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

It is so hard to really imagine that it's actually been 24 weeks so far. It really seems like just yesterday that I was taking the pregnancy test and seeing the positive lines. The closer and closer I get to my due date, the more and more ready I am for Nugget's arrival!

We worked on the nursery some more this past weekend since Nugget's bedding has arrived. We got a crib mattress and went ahead and put all of the bedding on so that we could make sure we really liked it. I totally fell in love! I can't wait to get the room painted and start decorating! Here are some pictures of the crib and the bedding:

This is the crib with the bedding all set up. I am currently hating the paint color and am ready to get the walls painted yellow!

Here is my Vanna White modeling the quilt that goes with the bedding. I absolutely love it! The little bees are just so cute!!

This is one of the valances that came with the bedding. I also have some white sheer panel curtains that I'm going to hang as well as soon as I get another rod to hang those from.

This is the little pillow that came with it. I will eventually have a rocker recliner that will go in the room that I am getting from my brother and I'll put this little pillow in that. This also gives you a close up shot of the bumper which is SO cute!

Just another shot of the crib and the bedding inside. I just know Nugget will love it. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

23 Weeks!!

Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

You know I just sat down and calculated it out and I only have 3 more weeks to go and I'll be out of my second trimester. That just blows my mind!! This is going by so fast, but at the same time it seems like it's going slow too. September 28th seems like a lifetime from now!

I thought for this week I'd steal my friend's update again and use it to update how I'm doing!

How far along: 23 weeks today!

Symptoms: Really no big symptoms. My round ligament pain is still around, but that is minor in the grand scheme of things. I had some minor acid reflux this weekend but I don't know if that is really pregnancy related... we'll see if it becomes something more common.

Total Weight Gain: As of my last doctor visit I was only up 5 pounds, so I'm ecstatic with that. I go back on June 11th and we'll see if that's changed.

Maternity Clothes: I only just recently received a maternity outfit from my mom as a gift and so I've worn that a few times, but otherwise I'm still in my regular clothes. I did buy some cute things but I haven't had to wear anything yet. I'm also thrilled about that!

Stretch Marks: Nope, none yet! I'm praying it stays that way!!!

Sleep: I have definitely found what I need to be able to get a good night's sleep but I still get up at least every 3 hours for that nightly trip to the bathroom! Thankfully I usually fall right back asleep.

Best Moment This Week: Feeling Nugget kick from the outside! I just wish Joe had been around to experience it.

Movement: She is moving all the time now and it is so funny to me. Fortunately we haven't gotten to the real serious kicking yet and so it's still not uncomfortable, but I'm sure that's right around the corner!

Food Cravings: Don't think there's anything in particular that I crave on a normal basis, but I have been loving deviled eggs and Bruster's Oreo ice cream - not together of course. :)

Belly Button: Still in.

What I miss: Honestly the only thing I've been missing lately is luncheon meat. How I've just wanted to run to Subway to get a sub! I told Joe I wanted a sandwich as soon as Nugget's born! :)

What I am looking forward to: I've ordered Nugget's bedding and I can't wait for it to come in and we can work on getting her room painted and set up completely!

Milestones: Really feeling her moving alot!

How is Daddy?: He's awesome. He helps me all the time and lets me get away with not having to do alot. He talks to Nugget all the time and rubs my stomach and I know he's as ready for her arrival as I am!

How are the Grandparents?: Excited! I know my mom has already bought Nugget clothes and is on the lookout constantly for stuff.

I am honestly ready to start working on Nugget's nursery and getting it painted and all set up completely. I've already got clothes hanging in her closet! It is so hard to keep myself from buying up a ton of clothes when I see them in the store - there is just SO much cute stuff out there for little girls! I am really so glad that Nugget is a girl because I think she and I are going to have so much fun together!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

22 Weeks!!

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums. Her eyes have formed, but her irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her body and the deep wrinkles on her skin, which she'll sport until she adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside her belly, her pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

Wow. This journey is really moving so quickly. I was thinking about it this morning and I only have 18 weeks left. 18 weeks really doesn't seem like all that long when you really think about it. I think I'm finally starting to get to the point of being nervous. I am excited and ready, but it's definitely going to be a huge change in our lives and I think until she's actually here and we're able to hold her, I'll probably continue to be nervous. I'm sure that comes with the territory.

Last time I mentioned that we finally went and registered at Babies'R'Us once we knew for certain that Nugget was a girl. Well we also went this past weekend and registered at Target as well. Seeing all the adorable clothes and cute little toys, just makes me even more ready for Nugget's arrival! I also went out and bought my own first outfit for her. I actually bought two outfits for her. It's hard to stop at just two because the clothes are so ridiculously cute, but I am trying to hold out since most of the clothes out right now are for warm weather and by the time Nugget arrives it will be getting cooler out. So I'm trying to avoid even looking at the clothes!!

Joe and I also finally got started (slowly) on the nursery this weekend. The room that is going to be Nugget's room was Joe's "UGA" room and so we're having to take down all the pictures and we're going to have to repaint. The room had a bed in there as well and we got that out of there this weekend and we put our crib together and now it's up and ready to be dressed up for Nugget's arrival! I feel like putting the crib together and getting it all set up is just even more of a realization that this IS really happening! I can't wait to get the bedding in and pick out the paint colors and get this room really started!

We go back in about 2 and a half weeks for our next ultrasound and I can't wait!!! :)