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Friday, May 14, 2010

It REALLY is a Girl!

We went back to the doctor today for our fourth ultrasound. This time was specifically to determine the gender of Nugget. I have been on pins and needles just eagerly waiting to find out. The last time the tech told us that she was 80% certain Nugget was a girl. Today when we got into the room she immediately told me not to remind her of what she told us last time, because she wanted to see if it was the same this time. She moved the sensor around for a few minutes and then said, well I hope I told you it was a girl last time. I said you did! So then we got down to business and she started showing us all different little things we could see of Nugget.

Here is a full shot of Nugget. She was kind of curled up and so it was hard to get a good full shot of her and so this shot (to me anyways) is kind of confusing. About all I can make out for sure is the head and then her little fist right near her head. The rest of it, I'm not sure is an arm or a leg or what! :)

Next, we got to see an up close and personal shot of her foot! The tech measured and her foot is 1.3 inches long right now. How tiny!!! Joe says she's going to be an excellent soccer player. Then again, he also said she's going to be a pharmacist... so apparently she's going to be a lot of things! :)

Finally, we got another shot of her face looking towards us. I personally think she already looks just like me, but Joe really disagrees. What does he know anyways! ;)

The tech this time was unable to get a good shot of her heart and so because of that I get to go back again in another 4 weeks for another ultrasound! Hooray! I have really been so incredibly blessed to have had this many ultrasounds without there being something wrong with Nugget. We go back June 11th and this will be my 5th ultrasound. The tech was also able to tell us that Nugget is currently weighing in at a hefty 13 oz. which is the 50th percentile. So she's perfectly average. I'm totally and completely happy with that! :)

As for my check-up with the doctor, everything went swimmingly. I have gained 2 pound since my last visit, so only 5 pounds overall which I am absolutely thrilled with! The doctor said I was right on track and he was thrilled with my progress. My blood pressure was 126/80 and the doctor said that was fine because I'm usually on the high side of normal, but he was still going to keep an eye on it. We also got to listen to the heartbeat again and it's just so awesome and amazing to hear that heart beating so fast and strong. Nugget is doing so great in there!

I am still feeling great and can't find one thing to complain about pregnancy so far. I've been sleeping better once I got a good pillow to sleep with and the tiredness is almost completely gone. I just wish I wasn't wearing a path to the bathroom so much! :) Oh well, I know that'll just get worse as time goes on, so I'm just getting used to it now!

So overall things are just going so wonderfully and I am ecstatic that we finally know for sure that Nugget is really a Nuggette. :) We are going to go on Sunday to start registering for things and I can't wait!!! Thanks again for all of your prayers and support, we are so excited to share this journey with y'all!!

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