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Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow My Goodness!

Well they have been predicting snow for days now - warning us of the impending doom heading our way.  Who knew if it would really come or even be as bad as they said it would.  People ran for the grocery stores to stock up as they always do.  I will say that I went on Saturday afternoon and it wasn't *too* bad but then had to go again yesterday and they were completely out of skim milk.  I guess no one drinks 2% or 1% these days because they were stocked up on those.  

Anyways - about 10:00 last night it started snowing and in less than an hour we had about 2 inches of snow.  I went to bed hoping and praying that it would just keep on snowing because it tends to take a LOT to get our bosses to close up the office.  I didn't even bother setting the alarm because I was just counting on Old Man Winter to make all of my wishes come true!  I woke up a little after 7 and went to look outside and he did not disappoint.  I came to find out later that we have about 4 inches here at my mom's house and other places had 5 to 6.  I can't remember the last time we had this much snow.  Thankfully my office is closed today and schools are closed so Mom, Caroline and I are enjoying a snow day.  In fact, Mom and Caroline are both asleep in bed as I type this being a bunch of lazy bums!  :)  
I went outside and took the requisite photos that everyone and their brother is posting on Facebook and I even got Caroline outside to participate in the fun.  I only wish she was a little older so she could've understood what was going on.  

This morning looking out from the front porch...
Snow on the chairs on the front porch

It was pretty cold out!
Snow piling up everywhere!
Looking at my mom's house from the street
4 inches on top of the mailbox
My poor little PT Cruiser!
Measuring one of my footprints
4 inches deep there too!
Miss Caroline is ready to go outside!
Whatchu lookin' at, Mom?
We're just chillin' in the snow!
What is this stuff, Mom?
Just plain worn out after the morning's excitement!

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