Well today was my second ultrasound and I could not have been more excited. I couldn't wait to see how much my baby had grown and developed in only 4 short weeks! I was nervous again for the same reasons I was the first time. I just worried that something would be wrong. I can tell I'm going to worry for awhile! :) I think once I can feel him or her moving that will go a long way to helping me relax. So Joe got to go with me this time and he too was just blown away by what we saw!
I can't believe how much he/she has grown! The head is on the left and you can kind of see the two arms - one is off to the right and one is almost right in the middle of the ultrasound. He/she was kicking his/her legs all around and that was just so amazing! I couldn't believe that the baby is moving so much already! It was so exciting and I am so glad that Joe was able to be there this time to get to experience it.
We got to go and meet with my doctor for the first time following the ultrasound and thankfully he says that everything looks great. My bloodwork was right on and my blood pressure is perfect. I go back for my next ultrasound and to see him again in 4 weeks - April 16th. I can't wait! This is just such an exciting time for us and I am having a hard time containing my giddiness! :)
Thank you so much for your prayers and happy wishes... we appreciate them more than you know!
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